How to add visualizer in navbar

Hello friends welcome to my blog today in this blog I will show you how to add visualizer in navbar
So read the full blog


You need to install Muviz application form play store l will also give you the link of the app at the end of blog
After installation process open the app
When you open the app you will see this interface

 You can see their is a get started button click on it
After clicking. App ask to give permission

 There is two permission
1. Record audio for visualizer
2. Draw over other app for show visualizer in other app

Give all the permission by clicking them

When you give the all permission you see this

Their is option to set to space between navigation bar. You don't need to set anything but you want to set you can set it
Click on Done button
After clicking you see this

Their is lots of style for visualizer
Now you can choose the visualizer style which you want to set

Ex- I chose this visualizer style

Allow again
After allowing
You are this

Click on apply
After clicking you see this

Congrats you visualizer is set

This is the setting of app
Where you can change the setting of visualizer

You can also watch my video at the top of blog


Muviz app link 👇

Channel link 👇

Thanks reading the blog...